Current Projects

Mobility Hubs Improvement

The Mobility Hubs Improvement Project seeks to improve the mobility hubs throughout the RTA system. The first phase of this project will result in a classification system for the mobility hubs and initial concepts for how to improve the experience of waiting and transferring at these hubs.

A mobility hub is a major transit stop where a high number of boardings and transfers take place. Mobility hubs are served by multiple routes, so passengers may use them to transfer to a different route to complete their trip.

In September 2022, the RTA implemented a bus network redesign based on recommendations from the New Links Plan: A 2020 Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA) and bus network redesign. The recommended network focused on improving access to jobs and major destinations, providing more high-frequency (15 minutes or less) service on key routes, creating more direct routes, and offering a service span that meets the needs of riders. The new network was also designed to offer more transportation options by creating transfer hubs throughout the system to facilitate transfers between multiple routes. The plan identified eight major transfer hubs and eight minor transfer points and estimated that boardings at these key transfer hubs could be as high as 700,000 per year.

However, these transfer points currently have minimal or no transit infrastructure in place to support safe and efficient operations and transfers. The Mobility Hubs Improvement Project seeks to improve these hubs and createa more efficient operating environment, facilitate safe and comfortable transfers for riders while also providing a more dignified riding experience.

In November 2021, RTA was awarded a U.S. Department of Transportation RAISE Grant to design all transit hubs and facilities, except the Downtown Transit Center. As the budget allows, this RAISE grant will also support the construction of these hubs. The total award for the facilities portion was $8.5 million with $1.5 million in contingency.

The Mobility Hubs Improvement Project will develop programming, design and construction of improvements for mobility hubs throughout the RTA system. These improvements will be responsive to feedback from riders, transit operator, and community members and will provide a more comfortable, safe and pleasant experience for stakeholders. Improvements may include changes to pedestrian crossings, shelters, signage, operator comfort stations and other aspects of mobility hubs. The classification system developed will support the design and deployment of amenities at mobility hubs throughout the network.

In the initial phases, the RTA will develop the classification system and produce programmatic concepts for six identified mobility hubs. The RTA will then develop preliminary and final designs for the mobility hubs and construct them as funding allows. The RTA anticipates being able to construct improvements for up to three hubs by 2026.

View the Mobility Hubs Programming Plan (August 2024) here.